Below is basic information about individual facilities in our database and selected sources we've drawn on to support the analysis. To navigate to other sites, use the search page.
Lilac Solutions
Lilac Solutions
Great Salt Lake, UT, USA
-113.1392965, 41.1799043
The Big Green Machine Site ID: 518
Additional Information:
Sector: Batteries
Activity: Extraction
Product: Lithium
Project Announcement Date: 2/12/2014
Target for Starting Production: 2026
Announced Post Inflation Reduction Act: Yes
Target Annual Production: 3000 tpa
Current Annual Production: 0 tpa
Operating Status: Planned
Government Subsidies:
We currently have no government subsidies tracked for this site.
Selected Sources:
Tracked Expansions and/or Acquisitions:
We currently have no related projects tracked for this site.